Name and Address : Rangabati Seth
Mobile :8018218475
Village : Tileimalti, G.P: Ledhimang
Block : Sundargarh, Dist: Sundargarh
Name of the enterprise : Integrated Farming System
Success made : Rangabati Seth (38) of Tilemalti village in Sadar block of Sundargarh is an unmarried farmwoman. She earns her livelihood from 10 acres of land. After education up to 2nd standard she had taken the family responsibilities for supporting her two other sisters
With technical support and Capacity Building interventions provided by KVK, Sundargarh, she started integrating enterprises and commodities like with rearing Banaraja poultry, cattle(16) and goat(15) rearing in her farm household. Out of her 10.0 acres of owned land she is cultivating off-season vegetables i.e. radish, bittergourd, okra, guanr in1 acre, sweetcorn and hybrid maize in 1acre, arhar in about .05acre, Lime, mango and papaya in backyard along with paddy in about 8.0 acres of land. From farm activities she is earning an annual net income of 1,30,000/- and about Rs. 20,000/- from sale of Kendu leaf.
Impact : Presently she is leading a SHG group named Padmamukhi as Secretary and has motivated other farmwomen of her group to cultivate maize and vegetables in group approach Inspired by her unique approach to get into offseason vegetable and diversifird crops in kharif season a large section of the community have adopted the practices. Miss Rangabati seth is well known in the area not only as a progressive farm women but also as a social reformer